1 Matches (out of a total of 833 incidents)
  1. Date Location Category Age # Jumps AAD?/RSL? Dropzone.com Report Dropzone.com Discussion
    21/02/1998 Carolina Sky Sports, NC CCOL 53 6827 N/Y    
    Description: After a 5-way on the sunset load with normal opennings at around 3000, there was a canopy collision, probably caused by 1 or more off heading opennings. The deceased was tangled in the lower jumpers canopy. The lower jumper cutaway and landed safely under his reserve. The deceased was spinning faster and faster with both mains tangled above him. He cutaway, but could not get clear of the tangled mains. He deployed his reserve which never completely inflated and tangled with the other canopies. He spiraled into the ground, landing near the treeline in a field. He was an Instructor/Examiner who had trained hundreds of jumpers via static line. He was jumping a Manta, a 288ft^2 F111 main, loaded at about 1.0.
    Lessons:Avoiding a wrap in the first place is your best defense; the deceased was stowing his slider when the collision occured. You are never too experienced to get killed skydiving. Talk to an experienced CRW jumper for tips about how to handle a wrap when it occurs.
    Name Lonnie E. Willer