1 Matches (out of a total of 833 incidents)
  1. Date Location Category Age # Jumps AAD?/RSL? Dropzone.com Report Dropzone.com Discussion
    22/10/2004 Poland MAL 36 1578 ?/Y 64  
    Description: After opening, the jumper experienced severe line twists and the canopy span back to earth. From the jumper's helmet mounted DV camera it can be seen that he was trying to extract himself from the twists all the way until impact. The risers were fitted with hard inserts but this doesn't matter since the twists were above the riser and there was no attempt to cutaway anyway. The jumper's audible was set at 1500, 1200 and 700 meters and the last one is clearly heard on video. The ProTrack recorded speeds under canopy up to 25 m/sec (Expert cypres fires at 35 m/sec).
    Lessons:Always stick to your hard deck. Don't lose altitude awareness, especially if you can't see the ground, even if you have successfully managed to extract yourself from similar nuisance mulfunctions previously. It took 40 seconds from opening until landing - not a lot of time. The jumper also had a digital display altimeter, these can be difficult to read in times of stress; there is a very important reason why the most critical instruments on a flight deck are in a dial analogue format - they can be more quickly and accurately assessed in times of stress. Due to the high performance nature of the canopy and the wing loading, It is possible that the jumper's audible activated frequently under canopy and that he had become desensitised to it.
    Name Slawbor Cergowski