1 Matches (out of a total of 833 incidents)
  1. Date Location Category Age # Jumps AAD?/RSL? Dropzone.com Report Dropzone.com Discussion
    06/12/2001 Teuge, Netherlands LAND 57 1300 ?/?    
    Description: The deceased had some sort of landing injury on this date, but passed away in hospital on 12/25/01. No further information is available.
    KNVvL Description: An experienced B-license holder with 1300 jumps and 15 years of jumping experience made a flag jump for a year's end photo. The jump is photographed by an experienced cameraman. For unknown reasons the two drift too far from the DZ, necessitating landing out. The obvious landing terrain is a large, obstacle free field, where the cameraman lands without problems. The flag jumper at first seems to be making a normal landing, but at a very low altitude he suddenly initiates another turn. After a 180° turn he lands hard and downwind. This causes a life threatening neck injury, from which he dies two and a half weeks later.
    KNVvL Conclusions:Never turn low. Furthermore, for experienced jumpers it is no less recommendable to use gear and make jumps corresponding to the frequency of their jumping. The jumper in case may have had a lot of experience, but did not jumps very often any more.
    Name Wim Hietbrink